

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 3/25/2020
I feel like I had the plague and got over it…..  
A few days after arriving to Bee’s cabin I had all the symptoms  I read online. A splitting headache, me nose was runny, 

sometimes there was blood, (this has been going on for a while) different part of my body would ache….. And then the dreaded dry cough. I woke up one night with the tightest of chests. I could breathe, but it was belabored. 
The more I thought about it the more anxious I became. 
I’m certainly not a doctor, but if you’re looking for something to try; my little opinion-
VITAMIN C! Tons of it on a regular basis. Oranges, Lemons, Spinach, Ginger-allot of Ginger, Turmeric, 
Red Peppers. Don't waste time with pills. Take all these raw or cooked... Serve hot, or in tea, HOT tea, nothing cold.. No ice…  
Also Vitamin D in diet and through good ol fashion sun. These are all immune boosters to keep you strong. This morning I'm gonna try a Neti pot for the first time. Of course if you don’t see a daily posting from me it means I’m dead and it didn’t work.

People in positions of power never tell the truth. Trumpworld is a blatant liar. We all know that, but the one’s you wanna trust, the one’s you think “have your back” never really do. The world of the 21st century is self-serving. I’ve seen the breakdown in civility. 
I’ve seen how younger people don’t know how to do the most basic things, like make soup, 
yet can go online and hack a small country.

I’m trying to be a good citizen.. The other day I called  first Gavin Newsom's office, 
(couldn't get thru) then Eric Garcetti’s office to state for the record a moratorium on rent. If I ever come back from Bee’s cabin I wanna make sure my apartment is still mine. I was surprised when I got through immediately. A woman’s voice answered, it was very calm, “Hello, I started, I live in  East Hollywood area-zip 90027. 
I am a citizen of Los Angeles County. I am calling to demand Eric Garcetti implement a rent freeze. Due to cancellations, closures, and widespread unemployment the people of Los Angeles are losing massive amounts of income and many are unable to make rent payments in addition to covering food, medicine, and personal emergencies. Stable housing is crucial to maintaining social distancing. The Mayor must act now to suspend all rent payments, in addition to an indefinite moratorium on evictions and housing closures. Personally I have April's rent, after that I will be homeless.”

Her calm response, “What you need to do is contact your local councilman. 
They are the person who will be voting on this in the next couple days.
 Besides that you can also leave a comment on our page that become’s public record.
 Let me know when you’re ready and I’ll give the link.”  “I’m ready, I responded.
 “Ok here’s the link- lacouncil.comment.com,“she said.

“Well thank you, I said, but it’s important that you also relay my message directly to your boss- Garcetti. I’m sure these decisions ultimately come from higher up.” 
“The best way is for you to go on record at the link I provided”, she calmly reassures. 
“Ok I will, thanks.” I hung up.. I want everyone who’s reading my diary to click on the link, 
so you can see for yourself what site a person working for the mayor’s office sent me- lacouncil.comment.com

 I’ve been told in an online public forum, (without specifically naming me) to stop posting stories that are not verified, and I’m spreading false information.

What I’m presenting are my thoughts, opinions and information as I receive them. 
I don’t hold an official title and I’m not getting taxpayer money. What I can say is I know allot of people, worldwide, in realtime and online. I consume allot of information, and I’m sent allot of information. I do know that most of my postings turn out to be factual. The reason I know this is 24 hrs later they’re posted in  mainstream press. I hope Bellum Politcal Salon, helps during the plague mass. If it doesn't the de-friend button can become your best friend.

I had my first FaceTime tea salon today with my friend RichTimes. We’ve adjusted to the most bizarre, horrific circumstances that are now normal! We did have a very nice tea, my first virtual tea salon. 
I will start doing virtual tea salons every Wednesday @ 3pm. Just like I used to host at the Tom of Finland house before the world collapsed. RichTimes gave it the title- QUARANTEA. That Rich was only wearing the skimpiest of shorts, and nothing else, made it all the more enjoyable.

Look at my hands! They've aged 20 years from constant soap and hot water. They have scabs and they’re sore…. 
They hurt! One of many fallouts of the plague mass. Not even three weeks old!

2020 is fucking HARSH.

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