

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 4/21/2020

According to Joy Behar (The View) it takes five positive thoughts to counter-act one negative thought…… Ok I’m doomed.

I’m thinking the plague mass, (my term for COVID19 pandemic) will play out the way nature always has, survival of the fittest. I don’t mean in a callus way where all old people or people with suppressed immune systems will succumb. I mean the dumbest! When I reluctantly look at the news, the airwaves are beseeched with images and live footage of these people, (and I use that term generously) out protesting, with guns no less, their supposed right to go out in public unmasked, ungloved and prance about as they please. They claim they want to go back to work… Have you seen the images of these “protesters?” THEY DON’T WORK.  Where does one work who looks like a Soldier of Fortune, Pepe the Frog survivalist?… besides Breitbart, which I’m sure doesn’t pay. 

Does Alex Jones work? I thought he was bankrupt for the SandyHook debacle he fronted. He still owes Leonard Pozner,
( father of  murdered Sandy Hook child) and David Hogg, (shooting survivor at Stoneman Douglas) $126k for calling them “crisis actors.”

We know Betsy DeVos doesn’t work. She doesn’t have to. She’s off beveraging on one of her ten yachts, with her, (closeted)  Blackwater brother, Erik Prince. Lady DeVos is much too busy making lives miserable for students by saddling them with life long debt, and bringing the bar of Ameirkkkan education as low as her IQ.  I bring up these two names because they’ve been connected with helping organize or fund these anti-StayHome protests. All sanctioned by Trumpworld in his narcissistic, Dr. Strangelove-esque tweets!

The realities of life during plague in Amerikkka are staggering. Everyday things now take considerable navigation. There are endless subtle enacted rules put out by Trumpworld now appearing in rapid effect. As example this new REAL ID. what is the real point? When one applies for drivers license they already have to prove citizenship, legal status, any criminal activity. What does this new provision actually do? Why is it necessary?  Apparently if you don’t have it, you can no longer take domestic flights, visit a federal courthouse, or federal building. So after October 2020 you will need an ID to show ID. 

Trumpworld Gestapo William Barr, ( I removed the title Attorney General) today said he supports legal action against states that continue to impose strict social distancing rules.
What kind of fuckin alternative reality are we living in? This bullshit is beyond Orwell, bordering on JG Ballard! You know like his novel, Crash, where a society is obsessed with car accidents and it becomes a pleasure. 

 And what the fuck are all these tutorials about a supposed future vaccine for COVID19 including human microchip insertion? Isn’t that what they do to pets  so they don’t get lost?  Do you know who has always promoted human microchipping since eternity? Satan!

As far as LAy, (like lay there) where are all these provisions that were supposedly provided by Mayor Eric Garrett and other “liberal politicians,” ie: real estate moguls. Where/when are they being enforced and protected, like evictions.

I’m finding it stressful being back in LA… what a difference a month makes… Imagine what it will be like in a year! I’m so glad I’ll be back in the comfort and serenity of the high desert and Bee’s cabin soon. Oh wait… that’s my neighbor.

So that’s seven negative thoughts I rambled on about today, (eight if you include my neighbor in the high desert) according to Joy Behar I now have to write about forty positive thoughts….....  I’ll do that tomorrow.

So this is how the world will end.
copyright- rick castro- 4/2020

rick castro: my neighbor in the high desert

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