

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 4/19/2020

I’ve realized Bee’s cabin and the high desert are romantic. It’s all about romance.
Everything here is still, there are no complications, no interference. It exists on its own with little to no help from the outside world. 

Yes, they’ve added modifications and additions to the structure and landscaping, (which I think is a mistake) over the fifty-two year history, but she, (the cabin) doesn’t request or really need anything. As example I look at the abandoned homesteads in the area. There are many including my auntie Nicky’s palatial ski lodge, that lays dormant since she passed in the early 90s. The structure is intact, it looks like she closed the door one afternoon and never came back. Only because of the length of time would it need to be restored. Whomever eventually acquires the place, (her heirs have no interest) will need a great amount of $$ and TLC to bring her back to her former glory.

auntie nicky's abandon cabin
On the other hand, Bee’s cabin had been dormant for only six or so years. Last October was the first time I entered and began to clean her up. Because of the type of person I am, one who likes original, natural, old, kitsch and limited income, I didn’t modify the original soul, only enhance. When one leaves things the way they find them, it’s the karma equivalent of leaving as little carbon footprint as possible.

This becomes my creative drive, change nothing, groom or enhance what is already there. The result, so subtle it’s hardly noticed. 
Like nature it becomes perfect. 

The longevity and solitude of this structure created by my parents in another lifetime ago, gives me a break now to indulge in simple things. Corny things like watching old movies on dvd. Outdated, but sweet, romantic mainstream flicks, that I wouldn’t have wasted time with during my life in East Hollywood.  I was too busy being jaded and chasing dragons of many sorts. Money, success, fame, glamour, all the things, which I was never, and am not part of.

Life is all about timing isn’t it. Decisions made during one part of life, become reality at another point. Maybe this is one of the few perks of getting old. With this in mind, Bee’s cabin has allowed me to become romantic, or find romance, which for me hasn't been for many, many years. What is special about this place, at this time under the harsh circumstances of life during plague, is that I have found romance, with myself.

So this is how the world will end.
copyright-rick castro- 4/2020

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