dec 31st
this morning i am having breakfast @ the el camino. econo lodge guests receive 10% off.. such a deal!
downtown sicorro is so quiet.. everything is still. it is beautiful.
i cannot think of any other place i would want to be. right now, this second of my life.
i am so happy... it is that simple.

(this is the house i tried to stay @ last night)
i hit the road.... the morning sunrise is so peaceful.. the music on the radio matches the mood.. this is a perfect last day of 2011. i use the cruise control on me dad's truck.
i love cruise control.
i love cruise control.
i pass by what has to be the best looking public restrooms and rest stop
i have ever seen.. i must stop.. they architecture is fantastic.. it looks like it was designed by frank Lloyd wright for frank gehry, if georgia o'keeffe wanted something minimal.
i have ever seen.. i must stop.. they architecture is fantastic.. it looks like it was designed by frank Lloyd wright for frank gehry, if georgia o'keeffe wanted something minimal.
there is a cute young boy kneeling on the ground. he is only wearing a white t-shirt.
isn't he cold?! i'm freezing.. what is he doing? he is praying? ohmygod..
he is kneeling over a dead animal.. a cat! a black cat!!! ohmyohmy!...... wait...
it is not a black cat. it is his jacket.. why is he kneeling on his black jacket? oh!!!! i get it.. he is muslim.. he is kneeling and praying because that is the tradition. they have to do this @
a certain time of day no matter where they are... how great! what dedication...
a certain time of day no matter where they are... how great! what dedication...
the muslim boy sure was cute as a button.. wouldn't that be funny if when he was praying
i came up behind him and fucked him?...
i'm sure that would break some kinda religious law and he would put a fadwah on me..
but it was an amusing idea.
boy my mind sure did go off in a tangent..
i almost lost my black cat pyewackett last week so i guess i'm seeing black cats everywhere.. i am cat sensitive.
i'm passing thru downtown albq.. looks bigger than i remember.. i'm now on the old road.
i take the trek uphill to jemez mts.
i'm now in jemez.. what a beauty.. just as i remember it, but even more beautiful.. the air is crisp. the leaves are dry.. the earth is bright red.. the sky royal blue.. the river crystal clear.
i pass by what has to be the cutest outhouse i have ever seen! almost as good as the Lloyd wright ones off hwy 25, but this one has a theme.. stove pipe. log cabin.. they are great..
i would use it every day if i lived here.
i would use it every day if i lived here.
downtown jemez.. what a charming little place.. there's luanna & paul's B&B.. there's los ojos bar where raymond works..
and there is raymond. he is in his element.. he looks so perfect here.
and there is raymond. he is in his element.. he looks so perfect here.
raymond loves to work.. he's kinda a country boy workaholic.
raymond gives me my own key to his house.
i am now opening the door to raymond's house.
the place looks fantastic. azula his blue eyed huskie greets me.
raymond left me the most amazing gingerbread cookies... he made them.. he can make anything.
Loved reading every bit of your travel blog!