

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 4/11/2020

I thought I should clarify something, Bee is not my mother’s real name. It’s a nickname I gave her when I was about seven years old….. Let me explain, there was a children’s television program called, The Soupy Sales Show, (father of Tony & Hunt Sales; band musicians for Bowie’s, Iggy and Todd Rundgren) on this program Mr. Sales had many poppets, (I like the Salem witch version better than pedestrian name) one particular poppet, I think it was Pookie the Lion, used to tease Mr. Sales, who would say, “Pookie don’t hit me with that stick!” to which Pookie would reply, “ok booby!” and hit him with a pie. Me bro and I found this endlessly amusing, so started to say about everything, “Ok booby!” One day me mum comes up to us all cranky, “boys! enough TV, come have lunch,"
 to which we responded in unison, “Ok booby!” She did not like this at all, and stated clearly, “that is disrespectful to your mother, 
if you continue I will tell your father.” So as code I would then say, “Ok Bee!”

This wasn’t appeasing to her and she replied, “I know what you’re trying to say… you’re calling me a bitch!” I found this sooo funny, that me mum, (now Bee) would think that her seven year old son wanted to secretly call her a bitch.
Despite the nefarious origin, the nickname stuck. Bee forgot how it started and answered to the name.
I introduced her to all my friends as Bee, and she never once corrected them, or me. 
She knew this was my endearment to her, and it is.

Bee’s real name is Emily Castro, actually her birth name is Amelia Villagrana. 
Amelia, (Bee) grew up in Boyle Heights, CA. She graduated from Garfield High, (class of 41). Her teacher, (Caucasian of course) 
told her, “there’s no point for you, a Mexican girl learning Algebra or science, you’re not college material. Study homemaking, you’ll have better luck as a domestic servant, or with your pretty looks, find a husband to take care of you”.
Bee told me she was insulted and mortified, but said nothing.

In the meantime, Alfred, (Al)  Castro, was a self-made young man. Despite a harrowing childhood that left him an orphan, he had a job, nice clothes and a car. Not bad for a 20 year old Latino boy from Colton, CA.  Al loved to dance, attending a dance club every weekend in Boyle Heights on East First & State Street, across from Mariachi Plaza. Al spotted Amelia from across the room. It was love at first sight.  Al wanted to dance with her, but was intimidated. She was very popular, he couldn’t get in there. Undeterred Al spoke to the girl who came with Amelia. “Who’s that girl you’re with?”, Al eagerly asked. “Oh that’s my sister, Amelia,” answered Nicky. “Wow, she’s amazing, do you think she’d dance with me?”
Al meekly asked. “Ask her yourself and find out,” Nicky snappily replied. 

Al did just that, he moved in before someone could take his spot. Amelia, (Bee) was happy to dance with Al because he was tall. 
She didn’t like being taller than all the guys she danced with. The following weekend Al danced every dance with Amelia. The week after Al asked if he could drive her to the dance. “Only if we bring my sister, Nicky” said Amelia. The weekend after that, Al asked if she would go steady with him. “Did you finish high school? Amelia demanded, I don’t date boys that didn’t finish high school.” “Oh yah, of course I did," said Al. They became an Item.

After a few months Amelia was thinking she’d made a mistake. Al was possessive and on the hot-tempered side. One of the few caucasian boys in Boyle Heights asked her out and she said yes. On their first “date” he took Amelia to Philippes French Dip in Chinatown, (during that era Little Italy). As they sat down Amelia went to “powder her nose.” While she was away a couple of Al’s friend’s approached the table. “Look buddy, we’re friend’s of Al Castro, and that’s his girl. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll take her home right now.” The minute Amelia got back the caucasian date announced, “Welp, time to go!” 

WW2 broke out and Al Castro was drafted.  Like many couples of those uncertain times, Al & Bee got married in a simple ceremony at the local church on Brooklyn Avenue, just before he reported for duty. After they were married Al confessed to Amelia he did not finish high school. Bee, (Amelia) was disappointed, but kind of knew all along he was lying. After the war ended they bought a modest track home in a new suburb of Los Angeles called Monterey Park, and made a life for each other. Together now for 77 years this July, (can you fuckin imagine) living in that same house, both now in  the throngs of Alzheimer’s Disease, I give you my parents; AL & BEE.
Bee never told Al about her date with the caucasian guy….  but she told me.

So this is how the world will end.
copyright-rick castro- 4/2020

Please donate to Rick Castro: It’s the right thing to do- here-

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