

 So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 8/28/2020

After many agonizing days, I called Animal Rescue of unincorporated San Bernardino County, (area where I reside at Bee’s cabin) 

to inquire about my 24 hour house guest. I reluctantly turn him in to officer Affleck, (no relation) on Thursday and was told if he wasn’t claimed in four days, I could make a request to adopt him. I’ve never had a dog before. I’ve never wanted a dog before, I’ve always been a cat person. I had my black cat Pyewackett with me for 24 1/2 years. My white cat Sympathy for 23 years, 

so I have a track record of being a good provider. 

Since Thursday, August 20th, I couldn’t get this doggie outta my mind. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed to find a way to keep him. I came back to LA on Friday and made a reunion tea party for my parents on Saturday. I hadn’t seen them in real time since the plague began in March! I served my parents cucumber sandwiches with vegenaise, and an oolong tea with orange bits. It was very good, if I may say so myself! 

During our tea I told me dad the long dramatic story of finding the scared dog running up the desolate dirt road during a freak hailstorm. I whip out my phone and tell me dad, “Look at my baby!”  “Oh he’s cute, my dad replies, “ I don’t have a yard soooo”….… 

I wait for a response. “Bring him here,” my dad replies. So it’s now a done deal. I can request to adopt my little baby, who I’ve decided to call Gabriel Fernandez, in tribute to the sweet boy that was murdered by his parents in Palmdale a few years ago. I wrote a heart wrenching story about that HERE—

Apple Valley Animal Shelter opens on Tuesday at 9am. On Tuesday at 9:02am I am dialing their number. “Hallo, I say, On August 20th, I found a scared little dog running down the road on Silver Ridge Drive. I would like to request adoption.” “What type of dog did you find?” the dispatcher asks. “a neutered male multi color senior Chihuahua.” “Let me check…. a slight pause….his original owner picked him up on Saturday,” she responds. “Oh, ok, I’m crestfallen, can I ask where he lives?” “He’s in Phelan, she tells me. “Can I ask his name?” “Jack,” she responds. “ok thank you.” I hang up. I immediately call back again. “Hallo I was the person that just called…. would it be possible to leave my phone number and ask the owner if I could visit Jack? “Well, this hasn’t been done before, but I can give them your info. If they want to call you, they can decide.” “Ok great,” I say. So I leave it at that. That was the best I could do. 

Not to sound like a martyr any more than I have to, but the entire time this all was happening I was bleeding from my dick! Yes, there was no urine, only a mass thrush of blood. This was the reason I was in downtown Phelan in the first place. To fill an emergency prescription. The timing of all these events within the course of a few hours allowed me to be driving up Silver Ridge Road to find a scared little dog fleeing for his life. I want to know how this little dog was able to run 2 miles which is the distance of Phelan to  Silver Ridge Road, where I found him.

Much to the dismay and lack of faith from “friends,” I do have a moral compass and I know how to research. Therefore, not only did I save Gabriel Fernandez from a freak hailstorm, (he’s so small, one nugget would’ve taken him out) and certain death by coyotes,

 I also reunited him with his owner! You would think they would be thrilled to call me asap and offer me and reward, and my “friends” would shower me with praise.......  So far I can hear a pin drop.

So this is how the world will end.

copyright- rick castro- 8/2020

please donate to Rick Castro: It’s the right thing to do- here or -here-

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