
RICK'S DIARY- 7/20/2020-

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 7/20/2020

I’m not gonna beat around the bush…. Amerikkka is in full revolution.
 It may not be the revolution one invokes like the civil war, but we are now in the depths of the beginning of revolution. Your life will never be the same. You will not have access to all the comforts from just one year ago. There will never be a stop to civil unrest. 
There will never be a stop to fascist police state. There will never be a stop to a 21st century dictator that is sooo plastic, corrupt, ruthless, banal and rotten to the core. 

Elections will not help you. Congress will not help you. Local governments that disguise themselves as “liberal," will not help you. 
You are on your own.

YOU decide to wear or not wear a mask. You decide if you’ll accept a police state. You decide if you’re ok with billionaires calling all the shots and holding all the wealth while you beg for stimulus. 

Do you have a good memory?
 Think about all the changes in the last 3 1/2 years. Has the quality of your life improved during Trumpworld? Do you have better confidences and admiration for your fellow citizens? Are you happier? 

Complacency is over. The non-reactive will be bulldozed over and they won’t even know it. They’ll be like, “as long as I have the newest iPhone and APPS I’m good.” Meanwhile their soul no longer belongs to them. They’ve gladly given it away to an Orwellian force in Amerikkka. Mass consumerism solves all depression and feeling of inadequacy. Look how much it’s helped Kanye West.

Today is my 62nd birthday… 
I’m back in LA recovering from prostate enlargement surgery. Ironically the same age my father had his same surgery thirty-seven years ago. 1983  was a very different era. His insurance covered everything including a hospital stay and nurses. I remember going to visit him when he had a tube in his dick, the way I have today. I remember he was in pain and complained about it over and over, like I am today. 
I remember he was not happy to see me because I brought him sunflowers. He was so taken aback by this gesture. He didn’t say anything but simply glared at me. What kind of man would bring another man flowers, would be the thought going thru his brick head. Yes, someone can be that thick to think that flowers from your son in hospital is “too gay.” 

I’m not recovering in a hospital, my 21st century insurance only covers outpatient with local anesthesia. I’m sooooo uncomfortable and grumpy. I AM IN SO MUCH FUCKIN PAIN! I have a fuckin tube in my dick for my 62nd birthday. I am not in a good mood.

So this is how the world will end.

copyright- rick castro- 72020

please donate to Rick Castro: It’s the right thing to do- here or -here-

1 comment:

  1. Was missing your diaries, but I'm so sorry to hear why 😔
    I can only wish you well recovering.
