


some of my classic photography is featured in the new issue of XNOTDEAD
along with a host of other freaks

here's what the editor has to say-
And if the real freaks were the ones that other magazines persevere to offer us, imposing their proteine cocktails and their workouts...probable photoshop...their precalibrated politically incorrect ...or portfolios just as much tacky as bitchy with red and yellow signs barely worthy than a supermarket promotion...
That we fuck the impact of words. That we vomit the weight of pictures...
That we consider that the sum of invisible minorities are the real majority...That the slum of humanity is made of perfect abs and white teeth. Look at these pages the way we conceived it: without kindness and voyeurism, without pity...but with affection and humour...
By reverting all the arguments of fake scandals towards those who use it.
We are fetishistic, skinny, fat, old, sick, damaged, but we are the world. Our complexes are our strenghts...
Our ambiguities are many open windows towards your fakes convictions..
Don't complain, you are we...
revendicating the right of indifference in the difference... maybe finally to the fact of being the beautiful freaks for
"normal people" !

XNOTDEAD issue#2 available in march @ ANTEBELLUM

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