

.... and we think FOX news is bad?!
believe it or not, this is a real news channel in texas.
KETK-NBC news anchors ask: “Will the acceptance of homosexuality in this society be the downfall of America?”

Yes, that was a question actually posed to viewers by a Texas-based NBC affiliate TV station, both on the air and online. But it didn’t end there. The station then went on to broadcast responses from viewers -
- some of the most vitriolic attacks on LGBT people that you will ever hear on a network affiliate.

to me this signifies the last ditch attempts of the christian-right to fight back at what they view as their world coming to an end.
it sounds awful, but i can guarantee you in a couple years this broadcast will be as dated as when you see a cartoon with little black sambo.
using gays the demons of society will become dated.... very soon... mark my word.

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