my last moment in new york was at la guardia airport, where they scanned my small suitcase 3 times.
i then had 5 security guards look at the scan, then another 4 guards rummaged thru the suitcase using a spoon-like devise that tests for anything combustible or poisonous(?)
after numerous back & fourths they decided that my KEY LIME CURD purchased @ tea & sympathy british emporium was suspicious and was over the ounce allowance of gel materials.

i'm soooo depressed and dishearten. the jelly was supposed to be a present for my neighbors flavie & clayton for taking care of my plants, or my rope yogi emilie odelie.
i should've just left it with LAUREN. at least she could've enjoyed it will her vanilla tea from mariage freres @ warwick ranch aka 13 colonies farm.
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