

I AM SO MAD at my neighbor marco morente... ..he's supposedly a designer. 
besides the fact that he's copying my style and fashion sense for the past few years, 
today- march 13th, 2010~ i decided to dress vintage/rodeo for my live interview with travelatmosphere.com . when marco  saw me he said, " you look like temple grandin."
what nerve!! not only does he think i look like an autistic person, but a female autistic person!
now don't get me wrong, i have nothing against females, (many of my best friends are) or autistic people, (my newphew is autisic) but that was not the look i was going for!
i think marco is just jealous because he cannot pull off this look.

(rick castro in rodeo gear)

(temple grandin)

to try to soften the blow marco then said, "actually you look like clare danes when she did a portrayal of temple grandin for a tv movie."
thanks marco... i feel better now.

(clare danes as temple grandin)

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