The 2010 40th district race for State House rep has been called historic for two reasons: this is the first time two openly gay candidates are running against each other (there are 14 gay candidates on the ballot this February 2nd), and second because this is the first time a bondage columnist is running for office.
Joe Laiacona, a part-time computer science teacher at Columbia College by day and leather master named Jack Rinella by night, is running against incumbent Deborah Mell. If that last name sounds familiar, it’s because Deb Mell is Blagojevich’s sister-in-law, and was the only one to vote against the governor’s impeachment.
You would think that given the choice between more family dynasty (especially a family associated with Blago) and an outsider, you’d think the public would choose the outsider. You would think that given the choice between a “millionaire’s daughter” and someone from the middle class, the public would vote for the person from the middle class. Except there’s that whole bondage issue that no one talks about, just giggles about over drinks. Chicagoans are more comfortable with a family associated with Blagojevich than they are with kinky sex.
The Chicago Reader has been the only media outlet to write a whole article on Laiacona, and they even question his “viability” in an under-the-table sort of way:
Even some people in his own community are debating Laiacona’s political viability. In the inaugural edition of DungeonPlace.com’s FetishCast podcast, after a segment on whether sadomasochists should be considered experts on military torture, hosts Meow, Gryphon, Goddess, Tutivillus, and DarlingEvil discussed his campaign and what impact his work might have on his bid for state representative.

(books by Joe Laiacona)
Recently, The Lavender Menace over on ChicagoNow wrote a piece on how “Mell needs OUR support”, because goodness, it’s not like Mell has enough support already! Every other house in my neighborhood has a Deb Mell sign, and I have yet to see a Laiacona sign any where. When I ask people in my neighborhood if they know about Laiacona, they either blink and ask who that is, or laugh and say “That bondage guy. Right. He’s not going to win”.

(slave box designed by Joe Laiacona)
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