A Florida high school's "Teacher of the Year" has been suspended for an anti-gay post he wrote on his Facebook.
JERRY BUELL, a history teacher at Mount Dora High School in Mount Dora, Fla.
wrote on his Facebook page that he "almost threw up" when he was having dinner and news came on of New York's decision to allow same-sex marriage showed up July 25.
"If they want to call it a union, go ahead," Buell wrote, according to ClickOrlando.com. "But don't insult a man and woman's marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool as same-sex whatever! God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable???"
When his Facebook friends retaliated against his comments, Buell published a second post:
"If one doesn't like the most recently posted opinion, based on Biblical principals and God's law,
then go ahead and un-friend me. I'll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994."
The page has since been removed and Buell was initially reassigned before the suspension for violation of the school's social media policy. Buell's page on the Mount Dora school website is also now blank.
"[I was] exercising what I believed as a social studies teacher to be my First Amendment rights," Buell told Fox News Radio.
Officials say Buell had over 700 Facebook friends, therefore rendering his comments public.
Meanwhile, there's a likelihood that Buell won't be able to teach when the school year starts Monday. And though Buell's Facebook friends initially lashed out at him for his comments, a NEW PAGE has sprouted in support of his cause, largely advocating for separation of profession and personal beliefs.
"It wasn't out of hatred," Buell told the Sentinel of his post. "It was about the way I interpret things."
since mr. buell stated he's exercising his 1st amendment- freedom of speech rights,
here is his FACEBOOK PAGE so you also can exercise yours-
I keep wondering about these folks complaining about their first amendment rights. Just as he did, he has every right to post whatever he wants. His employer, on the other hand, is under no obligation to keep him on the job if the statements are contrary to company standards. The only first amendment conflict I could see in this case would be since he was employed by a public school, that could be construed as government attempting to restrict his rights, but doesn't the school system have to place concern for students who could be hurt by his remarks above his right to say them? Teachers are frequently fired for personal behaviour that's deemed inappropriate for kids.