i have know guillermo diaz for 15 years, but he didn't even know it... back in the day- 1995, i was a costumer working for john leguizamo on his short-lived comedy series- HOUSE OF BUGGIN, (for fox tv no less) guillermo was a semi-regular guest star and good friend of johns.
i have this great memory of them disco dancing together backstage at astoria studios, queens, (they used to shoot the show in front of a live audience).
fast forward to 2007 and i get this fan email from guillermo asking me if i would consider to photograph him!...... well the answer was YES... since then he has been a regular @ antebellum, or what i like to call an- ANTEBELLIAN, someone who is obsessed with antebellum and attends all the openings & salons.
now fast even more forward to 2010, in the current issue of OUT MAGAZINE, guillermo wishes out loud if i will ever publish the pics... ..
well babe, you've got your wish, here are the photos and the 21 questions i asked you during our shoot- circa july, 2007-

RICK CASTRO- 1- where and when were you born?
GUILLERMO DIAZ- I was born on march 22nd, 1971 in Washington heights, NY.
RC- 2- what is your birth sign?
GD- aries
RC-3- what was your childhood like?
GD- it was tough, i grew up in a rough neighborhood. I went to high school in the Bronx… got mugged allot. I remember when I was 16, getting pistol whipped after I was mugged at gunpoint. I still have the scar. I grew up in a 2-bedroom apartment with two older brothers. the life/neighborhood was chaos, but my parents were very loving and supportive of everything I did. we’re a very tight family.
RC-4- how did you get into acting?
GD- I was in a high school talent show. We were presenting a couple beastie boys songs, and one of the guys dropped out. I took the part. I guess I was good, because people started to treat me better. the guys that used to beat me up started to kiss my ass. people accepted me on stage. I then began to fall in love with the art of acting.
RC- 5- what was your "big break"?
GD, I would say my role on half- baked, (1998), with dave chappelle. that’s’ the one film that everybody knows.
RC- 6- what was your experience working with dave chappelle? do you identify with his reaction to fame?
GD- we were shooting in toronto. For about 2 months. It was fun & crazy. each night after the shoot wrapped we’d go to his hotel room and smoke some weed. The whole cast & crew, all the studio people. Apparently ester role from that 70’s series good times was staying in the room next to him. She would complain about the smell to the front desk. Eventually they gave her another room
As far as his breakdown, I didn’t really understand. It seems liked an overreaction. on set, he always had the last word. he did what he wanted. He definitely was the boss, but I don’t know the whole story.
RC- 7- how did you meet john leguizamo? what was your experience with house of buggin? any fond memories?
GD- I met john at reading for intar theater. john's mom was in audience. she liked my reading and asked me to do some readings with her son. we started to meet on a regular basis and do readings together. . then when john got the series of house of buggin on fox tv, (1995), he asked me to be a cast member. i remember we did these characters called miggy & loco. two hyper 13 yr old latino boys. We would rehearse & shooting in front of a live audience. It was a blast.
RC- 8- how did you and i meet? do you remember me from HOB? (I used to be the costumer for the series)
no! not until you mentioned it. I vaguely remember you walking around with costumes... coming in & leaving me my costumes, but then we meet recently on myspace. i had bought your book and loved your photography. i asked if you would ever consider to shoot me…. and you did.
RC- 9- what was it like working with parker posey? - they call her the indie queen. would you like to be the indie king?
GD- very exciting... she’s like no actress I’d ever worked with before. She already had the lead role, (party girl-1995) and then she auditioned with me for my part, Leo, a DJ who becomes her roommate. She said, “let’s get rid of these scripts and just do It.” on set we had a blast. she really was the party girl. i remember getting in the tunnel bar with her. I was never able to get in before that.
After the film. she would have bad movie nights. we would get together, a group of friends, rent bad films and eat Chinese take-out..... Would I like to be the indie king? – oh but i am!
i don’t really think about that, i just wanna do good work. I’ve had some type casting. i play mugs, killers & thugs, but, I’ve also played trannies & mentally challenged individuals, so I’ve crossed over into the mainstream. ha-ha.

RC- 10- what was your experience working with john stewart? are you surprised he’s become such a political influence?
GD- great.. i met him on the set of Nora Epheron’s film- Mixed Nuts, (1994), he and parker posey were playing characters called, “rollerbladers.” then we got to do that famous scene together. next thing i know he's huge! I’m not surprised because he was very intelligent and outspoken, but he wasn’t intimidating. people could relate to him.

RC- 11- how did you get involved with the hit series weeds? - what are your experiences with the project, cast, etc?
I went to an audition and got the role, simple as that. the charter was already named guillermo.
Working on the series is absolutely amazing and I love working with mary-louise parker. she keeps me on my toes. i feel like i have to do my best work for her. she’s a perfectionist, and so concentrated on what she’s doing. the writing is perfect. The writers want all the dialog exact, so that also keeps me on my toes.

RC- 12- will your character have an affair with anyone?
GD- i don't know. i can't say. they could go that way. but I see their relationship as beyond sexual. They have an unspoken bond.
RC- 13- how did you get involved with the hit series cane?
GD- again an audition. the director mentioned that he loved half-baked. now it’s become a reoccurring role- the character of petey.
RC- 14- tell me about your character.
GD- you know the cartoon with the big & little dogs that say, hey boss? that’s petey. me & the two other characters are the dark side of the show. we pull jimmy smits into the dark side.
RC- 15- what has been you most satisfying role so far?
GD- on stonewall playing- la miranda, because it was loosely based on a real person- sylvia. i identified with the character. also the director, nigel finch had aids. he died right after shooting, so I feel liked I helped him create his legacy
RC- 16- what are your next projects?
GD- doing more cane, it’s a recurring role. I have a new horror film called evilution, (2008).
RC- 17- what is your dream role?
GD- i love the book crime & punishment. I want to play the charter of raskolnikov.
He’s a very dark, tragic character, i guess i identify. i find it easier to play emotionally crippled characters.

RC- 18- who would you like to work with?
GD- I think jessica lange is amazing. but, well… you!- rick castro, tony ward and pedro almodóvar. you know big hollywood, mainstream hollywood, those people don’t excite me ... I like you guys.

RC- 19- what do you think about the way latins are portrayed on film? where do you see latins going within the film industry?
GD- it’s getting better. allot better. look at cane. jimmy smits is the lead.
where do I see latins going within the film industry? downstairs where the janitors work. i see them cleaning bigger & better floors in hollywood.
RC- 20- how did you meet your boyfriend?
GD- i met him in utah when I was filming touched by an angel, (1994-2003).
yah.. della reese brought us together.
RC21- what is your dream?
GD- to own a house off the water.
guillermo is currently living back in NYC filming the new series - MERCY, for nbc.... and... he will be in a new film called
COP OUT with tracy morgan & bruce willis!
do you have any more requests for me baby?

(photos by rick castro)
The single sexiest man ever to have lived.