

So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 4/16/2020

I acquired many things today. Have you noticed when it pours it rains? Good & bad. When me luck is down, it’s down the tubes, 
one thing after another. Today I had good luck… Relatively speaking,  I mean as good as luck as one can have during a plague in quarantine, in the middle of a desert. With that in consideration, I had good luck. 

My PO box finally works, so I received a beautiful eye cup from my guardian angel, Iris. We named my eye cup, Sebastian. He’s so Victorian elegant. The most perfect, basic beautiful shape. Iris previously sent me Nour: the infrared heater. 
I finally received a check from a dear friend who has a heart of gold. The flip side, it’s a cashiers check and there’s only one bank, which I’m not a member, who will not cash it. I tried my luck and mailed back to my bank in Los Angeles in hopes they will accept.

You never know with institutions. They set their own rules. I often wondered how these entities would react if I,
the consumer/customer/buyer decided that I would set my own rules as I see fit. “Oh, sorry AT&T, I wasn’t happy with your service this month. Too many dropouts, so I will be sending partial payment to reflect this. It’s in my agreement.”  “Oh sorry DWP, the water wasn’t hot enough for me to safely wash my hands eighty times a day, so I will not be paying you this month. Again, these are my rules.”

I then went to Der Wienerschitzel for the first time since 1968, only because they have one here, (everything here is from 60s-70s- 80s) and now I know to not do that again. It’s amazing what Amerikkka considers food. 

I then found this really cute thrift Store, actually the only thrift store. It looked really cute until I read the sign…

Ok, if I avoid places around here because of my vehement disagreement with politics and religious beliefs, I will be going nowhere. Unfortunately this is GOD & TRUMPWORLD country here. Just up the street from Bee’s cabin there are two Trump flags on front yards. In East Hollywood I’ve never seen a Trump flag.. or a MAGA person. Here there’s an entire forest.

WIth trepidation I look around on the outside… Many baby strollers, dishes and lamps. I find a section of used DVDS. Bingo! I get little to no wifi here at Bee’s cabin. I can get a bunch of DVDs and watch on me old laptop from 2000- a black MacBook that weighs a ton.
I named it Pyewackett after my first black cat. There’s a limited selection and theme here… The Rapture, The Gospel According To GodPraise Be With Me & Aerobics. Slim pickings… Ok, I found a few outdated mainstream flicks I can watch again, “The Devil Wears Prada, Little Shop of Horrors, Ring-O, (original Japanese version of The Ring, this doesn’t seem very Christ-like?) and Agatha Christie’s Garden. I can’t wait to view that!. “Hullo,” I hear a soft voice next to me. A black lady with a turban and matching mask is standing there. “Good morning, I say, how much are these DVDs?” “Oh…… umm…… I have to ask Alice,” she quietly says. “Ok, I say… Go Ask Alice.”

I follow her into the Thrift Shop, and it is a jewel to behold. A cross between Antiques Road Show, Stanford & Son, and the Choc Shop. Also seems to be a doll museum. I love when old church lady’s collect dolls… It’s so Annabelle!

I’ve really hit pay dirt. Now I know where Bee acquired everything in her bedroom.
She has a black blender! If it works its mine. Look at all these furs… and teapots!… If I go down the tea pot rabbit hole, I will leave this place even more of a pauper than I already am. Turns out this cavernous treasure box has three Christian women who run the place, and an Australian Shepherd. Alice corrected me when I asked if it was a Border Collie. She kept going on and on what a good dog he is.  The entire time I kept trying to tell her the Australian Shepherd was peeing on the fur coats. I guess she couldn’t hear me because I’m not Christian. Christians only hear other Christians. I can confirm that by my sister. She never hears anything I say. I might as well be speaking in tongues. Forked. 

So this is how the world will end.
copyright-rick castro- 4/2020

Please donate to Rick Castro: It’s the right thing to do-here-

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