(me & my mother~ "bee" looking adorable @ 87 years of age!)
the premiere of ANTEBELLUM'S SUNDAY TEA SALON was a gem...
more pics to come.
i had family & good friends sipping tea and good wishes for what will now be a monthly salon.
GARLAND performed live and created the most genteel ambiance.

(garland as rendered by renfield)
if you were boring enough to miss the first one, your next chance is october 10th~ you can make reservations here~
ps- here is a little poem/limerick from a tea guest that could not find the salon!
by your ROVING reporter, gloriana casey
Sept. 12, 2010
A tea party, it seemed so fun,
as unemployed I am.
To break the resume rejects,
for scones, I had a yen!
But if you thought job hunt was strange,
just take a listen here.
I had me such a terrible walk
so lost, and yet so near!
2;45 to 4:15
I walked like Marley's ghost,
directions given, but
oh my, directions burnt like toast.
For N. Orange seventeen -three-eight
on no street seemed to me.
The kisok man on corner there,
thought parking lot might be!
Then cross the street to other "Orange"
but once again no luck.
No cell phone I--- to call for help.
my brain it said,"Oh YUCK!"
Then next I went to Roosevelt,
the desk clerk , kind to me.
He dialed your number on the spot,
but still no help to be!
A phone voice said , '"Find Starlight tours."
so back the street I crossed.
Back to the first old kiosk man,
I certainly was lost.
Said this man, 'Walk to the red bus
and therein you should ask.
The second man said.'I don't know."
My luck was fading fast!
So back the stairs I wandered up,
curled feet like birdie's perch.
The 4th floor, Cobra Water named,
A cell phone, borrowed search!
Then RICK, at last was on the phone,
"Turn left at Kodak place.
This time---I thought my path was sure,
but---,more egg on my face!
I thought perhaps to stand by Shreck,
and in position stay.
But Shreck was not a statue, nope!
another fail today!
To Nordstroms next ,I asked within,
but still no answer found.
My cell phone search was fading fast,
I moved to higher ground.
In Renaissance Hotel, I found,
a pay phone! Luck to be!
This was to be my last attempt,
my feet were killing me.
To RICK again, I spoke now tired,
the news he gave to me,
was Michael would now search me out,
I stayed put, yes siree!
From high above the rail I scanned,
my heart then leapt in praise!
For there was Michael down below.
His name, with voice I raised!
So here at least, with sweat and luck,
I had the tea and scones,
plus sandwiches of many kinds,
like salmon with no bones!
Of course, so tired--- like dog I ate,
and stuffed it all away!
Next time, I'll know just where you are,
from LOST, I'll stay away!
DO NOT LOOK FOR 1738 ANY WHERE ON N. ORANGE. ( there isn't one!)
PARK UNDERGROUND IN THE RENAISSANCE HOTEL PARKING ENTRANCE ( in back of the Chinese Theatre and the the Kodak Theatre and the mall complex.)
Enter the mall from the underground parking.
Walk through the mall until you reach Hollywood. Blvd. ( yeah, you've gone too far!)
Stay inside the mall but turn around and go back past the Kodak Theatre. ( which will be on your left.)
Go back up the marble stairs and turn left.
Walk in that left direction until you see a wooden street sign with 4 different street markers.
One says "N.ORANGE. Follow that arrow.>>>>>>>>>>
Keep going, and look for the red and white WINE Cellar sign. but go PAST this sign
if you think you're going to an exit, keep going and look to the right with the BLACK bricks! ( look for a little doggie sculpture too, it's right outside the restaurant!)
Turn left and : EAT DRINK AND BE MERRY!

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