
RICK'S DIARY- 8/15/2020

 So This Is How The World Will End: by Rick Castro 8/15/2020

911, what is your emergency?

Hallo yes, I’d like to report an active shooter on my property!

Where exactly is your property?

In the high desert of Southern California. Remote and secluded… almost off-grid, which would be my desire.

Ok, what can you tell us about your shooter?

Well …. He's really nice…. He only shoots indiscriminately.

What do you mean by that?

Well …. He only shoots people he doesn’t like, and he’s not harming the wildlife and the bunnies… there’s been reports of COVID bunnie disease in the area, but he’s so sweet  he leaves them alone. We’ve yet to find any bodies. We’ve been told by local authorities to not touch them or try to remove them ourselves.  To call the hazard squad immediately for removal.

Yes, this is accurate information. So who is your shooter aiming at then?

He has his view finder set on cult-christian husbands next door and the many trumpster neighbors in the area, as to which there are many. He will have his hands full for a while, in fact he may never get done. He’s also after “good ol’ boys.”

Oh I see… so what would you like us to do about this, then?

Hmmmmmm, that’s a good question… you’re right never mind. Have a good evening.

Thank you for calling 911 emergency. Don’t hesitate to call if your own personal shooter shows up again.

Thank you. Bye!

Good bye.

So this is how the world will end.

copyright- rick castro- 8/2020

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