

ON FEBRUARY 8TH~ 2014~ 7:42AM

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Robert Opel (23 October 1939 – 7 July 1979) 
was a photographer, artist, activist, nudist and art gallery owner most famous as the man who streaked during the 46th Academy Awards in 1974. He sneaked backstage posing as a journalist (he had worked as a photographer for the well-known LGBT publication
 The Advocate, shortly before) and ran naked past David Niven flashing a peace sign while Niven was introducing Elizabeth Taylor.
Unfazed, Niven turned to the audience and quipped, 
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, that was almost bound to happen... But isn't it fascinating to think that probably the only laugh that man will ever get in his life is by stripping off and showing his shortcomings?"
The episode made Opel something of a celebrity. Producer Allan Carr even asked him to streak at a party for Rudolph Nureyev.

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(artwork~ camille o'grady)

Robert Opel was not only the man who streaked the 1974 Academy Awards.  
He opened the first erotic art gallery in San Francisco called Fey Way Studios, (1978- 1979);
 exposing the art & photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, Tom of Finland, Etienne & Rex to name a few. 
Opel also wrote and photographed for "The Advocate", Drummer, The Hollywood Star, published a magazine entitled "Finger" & also was a guest on the "Mike Douglas Show." 
Opel was a friend of Divine, a young John Waters & performed off and on with The Cockettes. 
Besides Opel's legendary Academy Awards streak, he also streaked a City Council meeting to
 protest an ordinance banning nudity at public beaches as well as streaking other events
 and gatherings he felt appropriate to share the gift of nudity, innocence & laughter. 
His life sadly ended when he was murdered in his gallery shortly after putting on a stage performance in the 1979 Gay Day Parade entitled
 "The Mock-Execution of Dan White" (Harvey Milk's killer) 
Speculation has hinted at the police being involved and/or setting up his murder. 

Robert Oppel (spelled w/ two "P's") is the nephew of this sexual activist/artist and has compiled and saved
 all of the original artwork and flyers from his uncle, Robert Opel's Fey-Way Gallery. 
Robert Oppel is an Actor/Director/Musician & collage artist. In 2011 Oppel released a documentary on the life of his uncle called simply; "Uncle Bob." 

 "my inspiration for antebellum hollywood was based on my obsession of fey way studios and robert opel.
 i like to think of antebellum as the fey way of the 21st century "
 ~rick castro~ 
Robert Oppel & Rick Castro  proudly bring to you~ 
"The Res-Erection of Fey-Way Studios 


                                                             LIVE PERFORMANCES BY

                                                                    ROBERT OPPEL

$10 cover

1643 n las palmas ave
hollywood, ca 90028
323 856~0667

general hours
weds ~5pm till 7pm~ tea salon~ $5 cover
thursday thru saturday~ 1pm till 7pm~ $5 cover


here is an account of one of the more bizarre conflicts happening in the 21st century~.....

The E.F.A. (EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL)  has initiated the first 'International Zoophile-Rights / Bestiality-Rights Day' this year on February 1st, 2014, and they are reporting a huge international triumph, especially in Berlin where a large successful demonstration took place under heavy police protection due to extensive threats - and a counter-demonstration across the street - by the local Neo-Nazi community. Several similar events are already being planned around the world.
A screening and debate was also planned for that evening in one of Berlin's leading art-house cinemas, and the Neo-Nazis also tried to shut that down with extensive intimidation, but 4 police trucks were there to ensure the safety of the participants and apparently everything went as planned.

The Berlin chief of the Neo-Nazi party was at the demonstration and, based on his Facebook page, seems to have taken up this cause as a top priority.

The local animal-rights community, and mainstream community at large, are now conflicted as to which side to take - that of the zoophiles, whom they believe are abusing their animals, or that of the Neo-Nazis, who they know are abusing humans (who, at the very least, are also animals...).

One leading local animal-rights activist who promised to take part in the post-screening debate to explain his opposition to zoophile-rights, backed out at the very last minute, apparently due to Neo-Nazi intimidation. 

Journalists seem conflicted as to which side to take and have, thus far, refrained from reporting on the Neo-Nazi attempt to intimidate one of the local cinemas and suppress free speech.

WTF??! who would you side with?
apparently this movement was all inspired by the art film- COMING SOON.
I was given a screener of this film awhile ago and found it not so interesting. 
hardly revolutionary!

'COMING SOON' director-  Sir Tijn Po- 2006