

does anyone remember the crying game? a neil jorden movie from 1992 that introduced the mainstream to gender dysphoria. here is the star of the film as he is today- JAY DAVIDSON!

Dorian Black & Jay Davidson- photo courtesy- sue tilly

the crying game- the infamous scene @ 4:30


- patti labelle- nona hendricks- sarah dash- circa- 1972- costumes by the late/great- larry legaspi

courtesy- syd curry- mississippi/antebellum corespondent



photo courtesy- luizo vega- soldier for rick castro & barcelona/antebellum corespodent


and he tried to contact me. but i don't have text .... i'm old-school



artwork by- Cowboy-Dana Christian



i remember this episode of ANTIQUES ROADSHOW and always got a kick out of the sisters reaction


the old subway station, (it is now an ugly apartment complex) and surrounding graffiti art
photos courtesy- Eriberto Oriol- forbbidenartLA.com


it truly is the end of times as we know it...
first the dying off thousands of species on a weekly basis, then earthquakes, tsunamis and floods on a monthly basis, then liz bites the dust... and now the last straw that broke the world's back-

this is pathetic, this is ridiculous, it's over, it is all over. there is nothing to look forward to.


Where to Go During an Earthquake?

Remember that stuff about hiding under a table or standing in a doorway?
Well, forget it! In light of ALL the earthquakes around the world on a weekly basis, we should be aware of
the escape route when earthquake happens.

"Triangle of Life":
Simply by looking at the following self-explanatory
photos, you can learn more than in a thousand words about how to protect
yourself during a major earthquake...


TOKYO — Japan was rattled by a strong aftershock and tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast.

The Japan meteorological agency issued a tsunami warning for a wave of up to one meter. The warning was issued for a coastal area already torn apart by last month's tsunami.

Officials say Thursday's quake was a 7.4-magnitude and hit 25 miles (40 kilometers) under the water and off the coast of Miyagi prefecture. The quake that preceded last month's tsunami was a 9.0-magnitude.

Buildings as far away as Tokyo shook for about a minute.

U.S. Geological Survey gave the preliminary magnitude as 7.4 and it struck off the eastern coast 60 miles (100 kilometers) from Sendai and 90 miles (140 kilometers) from Fukushima. It was about 215 miles (345 kilometers) from Tokyo.

The depth was 25 miles (40 kilometers). Shallower quakes tend to be more destructive.

Hundreds of aftershocks have shaken the northeast region devastated by the March 11 earthquake, but few have been stronger than 7.0.

And also today-

6.5 earthquake rattled Mexico on Thursday morning.

The quake occurred in the Vera Cruz region at 6:11 a.m. The quake was felt strongly in Chiapas and other parts of southeast Mexico. But the U.S. Geological Survey said it was not felt in the United States or along the California-Mexico border region.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.
The quake was about 379 miles from Mexico City.

And on april 5th-

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake has hit the Mexican peninsula of Baja California, killing two people and causing tremors as far away as Nevada.
Some people are still trapped in their homes in the city of Mexicali, where a state of emergency has been declared.
The quake struck at 1540 (2240 GMT), 26km (16 miles) south-west of Guadalupe Victoria in Baja California, according to the US Geological Survey.
It was the worst quake to hit the region for many years, officials said.
The US Geological Survey said some 20 million people felt tremors from the largest quake to affect the area since 1992.

Mexican civil protection officials said a man had died when his home collapsed outside Mexicali, near the earthquake's epicentre.
Another man was run over by a car in Mexicali after he ran out of his house during the quake, officials said.

Rescue teams with digging equipment and sniffer dogs have been despatched to the worst-affected areas of Mexicali from the nearby city of Tijuana.
The regional government declared a state of emergency in Mexicali, a city of about 900,000 people.
The quake caused buildings to sway in Tijuana, where Easter celebrations were interrupted as families rushed for open ground.
There were power cuts and hospitals and public buildings were evacuated in Mexico's Baja California state.
In the United States, firefighters were called out to inspect roads, bridges and power-lines.
The LA Fire Department also responded to a number of automatic alarms and people being stuck in lifts, reports said.
Rides were temporarily suspended at the Disneyland theme park in California.


Magnitude 7.1 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN April 07, 2011
Magnitude 6.5 VERACRUZ, MEXICO April 07, 2011
Magnitude 6.7 SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA April 03, 2011
Magnitude 6.8 MYANMAR March 24, 2011
Magnitude 6.6 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN March 22, 2011
Magnitude 6.3 VANUATU March 17, 2011
Magnitude 9.0 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN March 11, 2011
Magnitude 5.4 MYANMAR-CHINA BORDER REGION March 10, 2011
Magnitude 6.5 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA March 09, 2011
Magnitude 7.2 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN March 09, 2011
Magnitude 6.6 SOLOMON ISLANDS March 07, 2011
Magnitude 6.5 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION March 06, 2011
Magnitude 4.7 ARKANSAS February 28, 2011
Magnitude 6.1 SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND February 21, 2011
Magnitude 4.1 ARKANSAS February 18, 2011
Magnitude 6.6 OFFSHORE MAULE, CHILE February 14, 2011
Magnitude 6.8 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE February 11, 2011
Magnitude 6.5 CELEBES SEA February 10, 2011
Magnitude 7.2 SOUTHWESTERN PAKISTAN January 18, 2011
Magnitude 7.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS January 13, 2011
Magnitude 6.6 VANUATU January 09, 2011
Magnitude 4.1 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA January 08, 2011
Magnitude 7.1 ARAUCANIA, CHILE January 02, 2011
Magnitude 7.0 SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO, ARGENTINA January 01, 2011

The following items are important to have readily available in your home, situated in a central location:

Flashlight with extra batteries (preferably one for each individual)
Portable, battery-operated radio with extra batteries
Purchase and use "self powered radios" and "self powered flashlights". Batteries will be hard to find, if you can find them. Some models will charge cell phones, but the cell phone towers may be damaged, even destroyed.
Purchase and use "glow sticks". These are safer than candles, since you will be dealing with ruptured gas lines, flammable, explosive gas.
First aid kit and manual
Emergency food and water (some sources say you should have up to 2 weeks worth of extra food on hand in case rescue workers cannot reach your location)
Nonelectric can opener
Essential medicines
Cash and credit cards
Sturdy shoes for each family member.



photos courtesy- Sendra- Stuttgart, Germany/antebellum corespondent


the westboro baptist church has entered the 21st century with their age-old fanatic campaign- GOD HATES FAGS.
well of course he does. it's already a known facts that these bible-thumper, organized religions are self-righteous and hate everything that is not like them.
check out this insanely long video-

at the end of the video they proudly list their website links. since most of the links do not work, i took the liberty of posting their address so everyone can write them an old-fashion letter to tell them what they really think of the new campaign.
it looks expensive. they certainly had to pay a lot of royalties to KE$HA etc for ripping off her tunes.

westboro baptist church
3701 West 12th Street,
Topeka, Kansas, 66604-1730



Ole Thomas- norway/antebellum corespondent


this is the loneliest whale in the world.
in 2004, the ny times wrote an article about the loneliest whale in the world. scientists have been tracking her since 1992 and they discovered the problem:

she isn’t like any other baleen whale. unlike all other whales, she doesn’t have friends. she doesn’t have a family. she doesn’t belong to any tribe, pack or gang. she doesn’t have a lover. she never had one. her songs come in groups of two to six calls, lasting for five to six seconds each. but her voice is unlike any other baleen whale. It is unique—while the rest of her kind communicate between 12 and 25hz, she sings at 52hz. you see, that’s precisely the problem. no other whales can hear her. every one of her desperate calls to communicate remains unanswered. each cry ignored. and, with every lonely song, she becomes sadder and more frustrated, her notes going deeper in despair. as the years go by.
Ole Thomas- norway/antebellum corespondent


Directed and Produced by Andy Houghton. Featuring Mark Schofield, Craig Longley, Neil Lumberg and Lee Pallender. Music - Body Double by Pilot Priest

Directed & produced by Andy Houghton :: Model - James Storr :: Music - Casta Diva by Maria Callas


there is a lot going on in this photo.

model & photo courtesy- Aymeric DeVille


photos courtesy- Lupin Dolci- Brescia-italy/antebellum corespondent


03 Apr 2011, 15:25
Buck: hi sexy
did you used to be my dentist?

03 Apr 2011, 15:26
eel30: yes

03 Apr 2011, 15:28
Buck: thats hot!!!!
do you remember me?
i have a funny story to share with you

03 Apr 2011, 15:33
Buck: at one point i was trying to restore my foreskin and being the pervert I am I went in to see you for an appointment with about 12 clothespins on my cock and a rubber band pulling the loose skin over my head.
well after a while it was getting uncomfortable
you were seeing someone else in another room simultaneously so...
I decided to take the clothespins off and forgot how it hurts so much more when you remove them.
You came back in the room surprised me and I was all wiggly cuz it was hurting and there were some clothespins on the floor by my feet. I was embarrassed and kinda turned on. I remember feeling your cock against me shoulder once you definitely were probably still are the dreamiest dentist in LA by far

03 Apr 2011, 15:34
eel30: very funny

03 Apr 2011, 15:35
eel30: and thanks so much

03 Apr 2011, 15:45
Buck: I have shared that story over the years but never thought I would have the opportunity to tell it to you!

03 Apr 2011, 15:48
eel30: honored to be part of a good story!

posting by buck- hawaii/antebellum corespondent