

a gaggle of trannies got into a brawl @ a taco shop in the hillcrest area of san diego... check these bitches out-


The Garden of Allah was a famous apartment complex in West Hollywood, California, on Sunset Boulevard between Crescent Heights and Havenhurst, at the east end of the Sunset Strip.

Although built in a Spanish-Moorish style of architecture, it derived its name not from Islam but from stage and screen actress Alla Nazimova, its original owner. Originally known as The Garden of Alla, it was a single mansion at 8080 Sunset Boulevard, built in 1919. It became notorious for the wild parties allegedly held there by the openly lesbian Nazimova.

As her acting career declined, Nazimova built a complex of 25 villas around the main building in 1927.[1] The complex had the address of 8152 Sunset Boulevard. Though Nazimova later sold the property, she continued to live in one of the villas on the grounds.

The Garden of Allah became home to many celebrities and literary figures. F. Scott Fitzgerald lived there for several months in 1937-38 at the beginning of his final sojourn in Hollywood. (He wrote himself a postcard while there: "Dear Scott -- How are you? Have been meaning to come in and see you. I have living [sic] at the Garden of Allah. Yours, Scott Fitzgerald.") Humorist/actor Robert Benchley was a frequent resident. Fitzgerald's biographer and lover Sheilah Graham later wrote a book about the place called The Garden of Allah (New York: Crown, 1969).

In spite of the fact that it was among the landmark buildings of the west side of Los Angeles, it was torn down in June 1959 and replaced by a bank with a strip mall behind it. Actor Francis X. Bushman and his wife, who had been at the opening party, attended the closing party as well.

It has been widely rumored that it was the destruction of the Garden of Allah and its replacement with a strip mall and parking lot, that inspired the famous line in Joni Mitchell's song "Big Yellow Taxi", "They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot." Mitchell lived in the Laurel Canyon neighborhood of Los Angeles, which is next to the former site; however if this rumor is true, Mitchell must have learned about the Garden of Allah after the fact, since she did not move to Los Angeles until the late 1960s, by which time it had already been demolished.

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what seems like a disaster film is actually real and took place this morning in NORTH EAST JAPAN hit by a 8.9 earthquake, (THE LARGEST ON RECORD FOR JAPAN!) followed by a tsunami..... really scary stuff-

it doesn't seem real.. it just so hard to take in, the devastation is so vast.


THEO is a free catholic magazine that can be found in markets around berlin.
besides being a traditional german man's name, theo can also mean- theology/ divinity etc...
btw- WEGGEFAHRTEN translated means- COMPANIONS.

all photos courtesy- Monika C.
she studied photography in Essen, Germany, from 1997-2004.
Monika took the photos of the novices in polish abbeys, she lives and works in Berlin.
posting by antebellum- german correspondent- NIC KNE


The DALAI LAMA says he will give up his political role in Tibet's government-in-exile, shifting that power to an elected representative.
The Tibetan spiritual leader has long said he wanted the elected government-in-exile based in this Indian hill town to have more power.
He says in a Thursday speech he would soon be proposing amendments to the exile constitution "reflecting my decision to devolve my formal authority to the elected leader."
i don't know about you, but with all the political upheaval and strife in the world as of late, not to mention the huge right-wing power tides occurring in Wisconsin, ohio and arizona, i find this very unnerving....
i understand that all-in-all it's a good thing, but the timing is intense.


my longtime dolls of friends - GLEN MEADMORE & LAWRENCE ELBERT came by to visit me today.. we chatted in the front
SMOKING SECTION, then retired to the TEA GARDEN for a spot of tea....

photo courtesy- lawrence elbert


a man was getting a haircut at an apartment in Stamford, Conn., when he grabbed scissors and slashed another man in the back.

The Stamford Advocate reports that 21-year-old David Davis was arrested soon afterward when officers with a police dog found him in a nearby apartment. A police mug shot shows Davis with thick hair sticking up from only one side of his head.

Authorities say the victim approached Davis during his haircut Tuesday in what he called "an aggressive manner." Davis told investigators he picked up the scissors in self-defense.
The 21-year-old victim was taken to Stamford Hospital to receive treatment for the wound in his back.


photos courtesy- stuart gaffney & howie pyro



antebellum artist- $EX ARTISE @ the SNOW WHITE CAFE in hollywood.


model- Luizo Vega- photo courtesy- Jesús Lucia



check out this compelation callled NEW RECRUIT- by the late/great-


STRINGS ATTACHED- Modern Day Pinocchio
by nick nolan- Little Eden Press, 2006.

review by AMOS LASSEN

Nick Nolan, author of “Strings Attached” has rewritten the story of Pinocchio for modern times. This modern version is intriguing and grabs you at the first page and keeps you enchanted until the last page. Nolan gives us the story of one youth’s struggle to grow up and become a man. Beautifully told, it grabs at your heart and emotions and does not let go. It is compelling–especially as it deals with the main character’s, Jeremy’s, entrance into the ambiguities of sex. The book has several layers and is a sharp social commentary on the way we live and face change. Like a puppet, Jeremy. Is pulled in many directions and is at the will of others until; he can make the decision to be who he wants to be.

Jeremy is seventeen years old and stands at the threshold of an entrance into a world that he has never really considered. He had been dependent upon his mother, Tiffany, an alcoholic but when she goes into rehab, his life changes drastically. He goes to live with a very wealthy couple at their estate and goes from poverty to the world of wealth. Because he feels he has landed in a paradise, he endeavors to fit into the upper class of Bellena Beach. The fact that his new “mother”. Katherine is excessively wealthy gas him access into a world he knew little about. Coupled with that are his good looks and lithe physique so his transition did not seem to be too difficult. But this move into the world of the ‘haves” comes with a price—his new “parents” feel they can tell him what to do and because he wants so badly to fit in with the gang causes him to lose his own sense of what is real. When he begins to date a member of the social elite, he hopes that he will be able to rid himself of the feelings he has for members of his own sex but that idea is soon torn asunder by two boys who are out to prove to Jeremy that moving up the social ladder is not so easy.

Jeremy’s father had been murdered earlier and a mysterious phone call not only identifies the murderer but says that Jeremy will befall the same fate. It is here that Jeremy decides that it is time to become a man and turns to the butler for guidance. The butler, however, seems to have a secret all of his own.

A myriad of characters and a skillful plot make this one exciting read. “Strings Attached” has a little something for everyone—the supernatural, murder, coming of age, social commentary but most of all it has a great deal to read.



MICHAEL MOORE made an unscheduled appearance in madison, wisconson to support the unions and working people against govenor scott walker.
the speech gets a bit over-the-top- towards the end, but his basic message is powerful and truthful.

A former Republican candidate for Governor in 2010's primary has joined the effort to recall Jan Brewer.
Matt Jette, who recently became a registered Democrat, has been named the spokesman for the Committee to Recall Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.
The group is trying to collect thousands of signatures statewide by May 28 to force a recall election.
A Chandler woman, who is a Republican, launched the grassroots effort in January.