

my doll of a friend AMY BASTIDA made me a KLAUS NOMI TART from scratch based on klaus nomi's personal recipe circa 1980.... i had my friend jamie over for tea and served us two pieces. it was sooooo good i ate mine and his!... he was too slow.

amy likes to dress her kids up as klaus nomi.. i think she does a great job. she makes the costumes from construction paper, and does their makeup. she tried to shave her son max's eyebrow's , but that's where he draws the line. max said, "no way mom."
amy used to adore leigh bowery as well. she taught max how to pronounce leigh's name at age 3.

here's a clip



Alexander McQueen, fashion designer, dies at 40

Thursday, February 11, 2010; 12:46 PM
Alexander McQueen, one of Britain's most successful fashion designers, was found dead today at his home in London after committing suicide on the eve of his mother's funeral.

The 40-year-old was found hanged at his flat in Green Street, Mayfair, shortly after 10am today. Paramedics were called but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

Speculation mounted tonight that McQueen had been unable to come to terms with the death of his mother, who died on February 2 and whose funeral is to be held in East London tomorrow.

The designer announced her death to his followers on Twitter and admitted later that he was finding it hard to cope.
His death comes three years after McQueen's close friend and mentor, Isabella Blow, a magazine editor and style icon, took her own life by drinking weedkiller.

A spokeswoman for the designer said: "Mr McQueen was found dead this morning at his home. We’re devastated and I hope you understand that out of respect to his family and his colleagues we’re not going to be making any further statement."

His death comes just days before London Fashion Week, which is due to open on February 19, and as final preparations were being made to unveil a spring collection in Paris.

McQueen's death comes just as designers in New York have begun unveiling their fall 2010 collections. McQueen was scheduled to show his line in Paris in March.


ANTEBELLUM's first big exhibition of 2010 opens on VALENTINE'S DAY- february 14th.


here's some history-

During the late Forties and early Fifties a group of mostly gay men began doing "artistic studies" of bodybuilders with carefully concealed genitalia, or in posing straps. Among these pioneers were Lon of New York, Bruce of Los Angeles, Bob Mizer of Athletic Model Guild, Mel Roberts of California, and John Palatinus of New York.

(matt carroll by john palatinus- 1957)

At this time a series of new publications emerged: Tomorrows Man, Vim, Manuel, Physique Pictorial and others celebrating the male physique. Thru these magazines homoerotic works were seen nation wide. In many cases for the first time.
Many did a brisk business as these photos were considered "hot stuff" in this era.

(pete andrew by john palatinus- 1957)

All this was happening during the Eisenhower administration, a very repressive time for gay people in America. Bars were raided and closed on a regular basis. Those arrested had their names published in the local papers, completely ruining their lives. Witch-hunts were conducted in the State Department to find gay diplomats. McCarthyism was in full bloom.

(jimmy hale by john palatinus- 1957)

The Post office had it's own agenda, stamping out so called pornography thru the mail. All of the physique photographers were harassed. Some had their studios raided and were put out of business among them- John Palatinus of New York.

( newspaper article of raid- 1959)

Now more than 50 years after the fact most of these early pioneering physique photographers are long gone, and their work forgotten.

Today physique photography is finally getting its props. There are many young collectors who have sparked a new interest in these early works. The internet has played a major role in this revival. Old collections of photographs and magazines have been pulled out of attics and are now disseminated all over the world.

Photographers of this era like Rick Castro, Greg Day, Matthias Herrmann and Jay Jorgensen are keepers of the flame. Other artists like Nick Burger and John Palatinus, (now 82!) are finally having their work presented.

(marco berry by jay jorgensen- 2007)

(matthias herrmann by matthias herrman- 1997)

(tony ward by rick castro- 2006)

Antebellum gallery is PROUD to present the first ever exhibition of John Palatinus and some of his peers from the past, present and future.


Opening reception- February 14th, Valentine’s Day, 2010.


Live models on display!

John Palatinus – in person!


John Palatinus was one of the pioneering early physique photographers of the 1950's.

Along with Lon of New York, Bruce of Los Angeles, and Bob Mizer of Athletic Model Guild, he helped creates a whole new genre of male photography.

Palatinus was noted for his use of light and shadow to highlight the topography of the male physique. He used clean light washed backgrounds to clearly define the figure at a time when some photographers were using kitschy sets and props.

Palatinus was born in South Bend, Indiana in 1929, he lived & worked in that area as a window display designer. During this period he attended Indiana University.

In 1954 he began photographing young body builders of South Bend. His work first appeared in "Tomorrows Man" a pocket seized bodybuilding magazine that featured the same type of young male physique imagery.

A move to New York City came in 1956 where he had a studio on West 13th street in Greenwich Village. He continued to be featured in "TM" and did a thriving business selling his photographs nationwide.

Beginning in 1958, Palatinus started shooting and selling full-frontal nude photos thru the mail. This proved to be an unfortunate move His "Village" studio was raided by the US Postal Inspectors in cooperation with the New York Police Department. All of his photographs, original negatives, cameras, lights and equipment were confiscated never to be returned. John Palatinus was very effectively put out of business

After a trial, he was convicted not of distribution of so-called pornography, but of conspiracy, a misdemeanor charge, and spent no time in jail.

Palatinus now lives in Palm Springs, California. He may be one of the only photographers sill alive from the 1950's era of physique photography.

Antebellum is proud and honored to present the comeback of John Palatinus: welcome- TOMORROW’S MAN!

(john palatinus- circa 1958)

recent history-

questions asked by ken knox of frontiers magazine-

How did you first come by John's work?

i thought i knew of all the 1950s physique photographers.
back in the early 90s i met bob mizer, (AMG) and had the privilege of visiting his home, i was a very good friend of mel roberts and sold his work at antebellum along with AMG. bruce of LA, lon of new york etc.

(mel roberts- cover- 1968)

awhile back i came across some rare photosets by a NYC photographer- john palatinus. i sold them immediately at the gallery. i was intrigued because i knew nothing of john palatinus. about a year or so later this feisty gentleman comes into the gallery and we have a chat, during which time he reveals that he is in fact john palatinus! ... the rest as they say is- HIS-TORY.

Why did you feel it was important to display John's work? What does this showing represent?

i consider antebellum a fetish art gallery. we present fetish as art.... antebellum is very proud to present the first exhibition of JOHN PALATINUS: TOMORROW' MAN.
john is a living legend and part of history, gay or otherwise. it's important, especially for young people, to view this work and comprehend that he was a pioneer. his art challenged the status quo and gave us civil rights that we now take for granted. ALL gay artists were harassed in john's era. many, (including john) were forced out of business, others were exiled, and other's committed suicide. the 1950's of america was not a easy time for gay people, erotic art or erotic anything. perhaps sex is/was the easiest form of communication so this is how gay men made contacts.. thru sex.... sex is our history, and in many ways sex is our legacy. this exhibit confirms our place in history and our legitimacy as erotic artists.

Anything to add about John?

there is that classic phrase, "respect your elders." as gay people this is even more important because family was not always an easy thing to come by. i invite everybody to meet john palatinus on opening night, (feb 14th). ask him questions. honor him. he is our elder, our history, our roots.

besides this being the debut of JOHN PALATINUS's first exhibition , we will feature classic & new artists such as~

and more, much more!

checkout the exhibit @ antebellum gallery- february 14th-

1643 n las palmas ave
hollywood, ca 90028
323 856-0667




ohmygod, fetish in now completely part of mainstream vocabulary. check out the headline on the huffington post now!

Dem Senators: 'I've Never Seen Anything Like It' ... Filibuster Could Fall 'After Massive Conflict ON The Floor'... Obama Warns GOP He Will Use Recess Appointments To Install His Aides


Utopia in Hollywood

The 1916 Grace Duff Shaw house in Hollywood was by architect Arthur S. Heineman. It was part of a utopian community called Krotona and still stands today, albeit in altered form as an apartment building. (From the collection of Sam Watters)

By Sam Watters- February 6, 2010

In 1875, as industrial America rose and avarice trounced charity, mystic Helena Blavatsky and fellow occultists in New York established the Theosophical Society. Its rituals were a healing blend of clairvoyance, science and Freemasonry, dedicated to charitable works and brotherly love. Twenty-five years later, at Theosophy's international headquarters in Adyar, a town in southern India, activist Annie Besant formed a sect that promoted meditation as a unifying force for human good. Albert P. Warrington, a lawyer in Virginia, dedicated his life to the Adyar branch and became its American leader in 1912.

California, with its cheap land for private paradises, was home to more utopian colonies than any other state. Warrington picked up 11 acres west of Beachwood Canyon and north of Franklin Avenue, below where the Hollywood sign stands today, to create an Adyar settlement. He called it Krotona after the Greek school founded by Pythagoras, who applied musical theory to harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

Proving that faith can move mountains, or at least truck loads of dirt, the Krotona colony was up by 1919. It was a veritable Vegas CityCenter-style oasis for the faithful, conceived in an unrealized plan by Pasadena architects Arthur S. and Alfred Heineman, with buildings by San Diego's Mead & Requa, Harold Dunn, Elmer C. Andrus and amateur designer and theosophist Marie R. Hotchener. It included the Krotona Court for educational programs; the Moorish-style Grand Temple of the Rosy Cross for ritual performance; the curious Science Building for experiments to verify theosophical mysteries; and bungalows and villas of the true believers, who included New Yorker Grace Shaw Duff.

Duff came to her characteristically Victorian eccentricity with star credentials as the daughter of author and entertainer Henry Wheeler Shaw, known as Josh Billings. After Mark Twain, he was America's most renowned humorist, credited for popularizing "a squeaky wheel gets the grease" and "the one thing money can't buy is the wag of dog's tail," a homily in Disney's "Lady and the Tramp." Duff wrote too, along serious, theosophical lines, and she republished 18th century tracts on early Christian mystics.

Duff's house was the Ternary, designed by Arthur Heineman on land acquired in 1914 adjacent to Warrington's original purchase. Its three wings around a garden court were in a modern Moorish style that blended California Spanish traditions with eastern motifs, just as Theosophy synthesized Asian and western beliefs. Its name, meaning three, reflected Theosophy's way to an enlightened world: Build a community without discrimination; study religion, philosophy and science; explore the inexplicable.

Fundamental to utopian colonies was living with nature. The Ternary was on a landscaped plateau just below Krotona's Italian gardens. From a stadium in this terraced Saranath, an audience watched as the Buddha came to life in theatrical performance that used Duff's house as a mystical set.

The hills were alive with prayer and faith until L.A. sprawl crowded Warrington's idyllic retreat. In 1924, he moved his community to Ojai, where the Krotona School of Theosophy continues today. In Hollywood, original Krotona buildings remain, altered for mundane, contemporary life. The Ternary is an apartment house, and the Italian gardens are subdivided.

Oscar Wilde, no stranger to misery, wrote: "A map of the modern world that does not include Utopia is not worth glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which humanity is always landing."


my dear pal & muse- TONY WARD recently flew from puerto rico to paris for the new D&G fragrance campaign.
look what they put him through @ the paris airport.. one of those unconstitutional, ( but hot) full body scans.

my ward also told me that D&G j'adored an interview i did with him many years ago for my bondage book.. perhaps one day i'll repost.


February 9, 2010 | 7:22 am

A nonprofit group plans to cover the Hollywood sign with a banner urging "Save the Peak" this week, announcing its effort to purchase nearby Cahuenga Peak from private developers for $11.7 million.

The leaders of Public Trust for Lands intend to disclose their acquisition effort publicly for the first time Thursday morning in Hollywood. They say they have raised about half of the asking price for the 138-acre mountaintop parcel from a Chicago investment group.

They have an April 14 deadline to seal the deal. The investors purchased the mountain site west of the Hollywood sign from the estate of Howard Hughes in 2002 for about $1.7 million.

The aircraft and filmmaker tycoon bought the mountaintop in the 1930s and planned to build a love nest there for actress Ginger Rogers.

Investors had hoped to sell the land for as much as $40 million for home sites. Their plans prompted Hollywood-area City Councilman Tom LaBonge to ask for the San Francisco-based land trust to help preserve the mountaintop.

But police took the edge off the trust's planned surprised by announcing that the Hollywood sign would be covered Thursday as part of “an international campaign” and would remain draped “until further notice.”

The e-mailed “community alert notification” to Hollywood residents urged that they “not be alarmed” because the 450-foot-long landmark “will remain in place and there will be no changes done to the sign.” Police said the notification was issued “so we do not receive phone calls from worried citizens.”

A spokesman for the San Francisco trust, Tim Ahern, said Monday afternoon his group was still awaiting permission to cover the sign from Los Angeles officials and the Hollywood Sign Trust, which maintains the sign. “The police department jumped the gun,” he said. Monday night, Ahern released details of the proposed acquisition.
-- Bob Pool in Hollywood



check out- DJ, Bob Reyes, as he celebrated the 1yr anniversary of his club CONTACT in NYC.



ok yougsters take notes.. this is how you sing the national anthem. marvin gaye- 1983 NBA


it seems that all the gay underground artists from the 70s & 80s are finally getting their props.
check out the "Overture" to DIRTY POOLE: In Conversation with Wakefield Poole, an onstage interview and clip program featuring Poole by my friend and filmmaker Jim Tushinski. (jim also directed THAT MAN: PETER BERLIN.
The Overture is a montage of clips from Poole's best work.
Coming Soon!