

i had the pleasure of going on live radio with rich kay of garland friday night. we were on kill radio with radioactive dick. RD has a great program every friday night @ 8pm. rich and i were on for a couple hours chatting promoting our tea party event for november 30th , and rich kay indulged us with some live renditions! fantastic!
check it out here- RADIOACTIVE DICK


rick kay of garland killed it last night on killradio with radioactive dick.
rick sang two incredible live versions of song from his CD entitled- GARLAND.

see GARLAND live @ antebellum gallery on monday, november 30th- 5pm


also on display~ the erotic needlepoint tapestries of WILLIAM SHEPHEARD

tea will be served with the artists

$5 cover


opening night~ november 30th
5- 8pm
(on exhibition thru december 12th)

1643 n las palmas ave
hollywood, ca 90028
323 856-0667

general hours~ wednesday thru saturday- 1- 7pm





cute as a button rockie posted this hilarious correspondence with one of those robocall centers



The White House has released details about the First Family's Thanksgiving dinner:

They are hosting about 50 guests including family, friends and staff.
apparently obama's favorite Thanksgiving dishes are turkey and pumpkin pie.


Honey-Baked Ham
Cornbread Stuffing
Oyster Stuffing
Macaroni and Cheese
Sweet Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole

Banana Cream Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
Huckleberry Pie
Cherry Pie



a couple days ago oprah decides to tell the public she is ending her show- ONE YEAR IN ADVANCE... there is something more to this story than just, "the time being right," as she says, and "25 sounded like the right number".......
well i think oprah is preparing for the next role in her life. the role of holding an office position in washington DC. yes i predict oprah will run for office... which position will she run for?... president, VP, sec of state, at the very least an ambassador position.

the most obvious beginning would be to run for governor of california, a state she could win hands down making california the unstoppable stronghold of the democratic party. instantly becoming the center of national influence, not just a rival, but vastly trumping texas in political and financial power... she's moving her business to CA, she already lives in CA... the plot thickens...

just think, if oprah became president, we would have our first female pres and our first, first lady- GAYLE KING!


peter brown- actor- born october 5th, 1938. Hair: Dark brown Eyes: Hazel Height: 6 ft.

Peter was born in New York as Pierre de Lappe, the second of four brothers, Philip, Pierre [Peter], Michael and Paul. He took the name Brown from his stepfather Albert "Bud" Brown. (His biological father died when he was four.) Peter's first model in show business was his mother, Mina Reaume, a radio and stage actress. Between the ages of seven and nine, he appeared on children's radio shows, playing small parts as elves, fairies, etc. His family relocated to the West coast, where he spent a significant portion of his youth involved in sports including horseback riding.

Peter became involved in acting as an adult while stationed in Alaska with the Second Infantry Division from. USO shows were infrequent so Peter organized a drama group which put on a couple of dozen shows during his stay. Peter performed as an actor in all of the plays and directed some of them.

After his discharge from the army, Peter enrolled in a summer session as a drama student at UCLA. He planned to enter an Eastern drama school but was advised by a teacher that he had the talent, the looks and the drive to warrant staying on in Los Angeles for at least a year to try his luck in films.

While pursuing acting work, Peter got a night job at a gas station on the Sunset Strip. He had a polite but enthusiastic spiel he used on anyone who might have a movie or TV connection. One evening Jack Warner came in for gas. According to Peter, when he saw the credit card with the name Jack L. Warner, he asked him, "Are you one of the Warner brothers?" He responded, "I'm the only one left." Whatever pitch Peter made to him apparently worked. Solly Baiano, the head of new talent at Warner Bros. called Peter at the gas station the next day and said, "I don't know who you know, but I have orders to give you a screen test."

Peter was signed as a Warner's contract player on the strength of the test and shortly thereafter landed a very nice role in the Warner Bros. film Darby's Rangers (1958). However, according to Peter he actually got his SAG card (Screen Actors Guild) in the 1957 Warner Bros/Jack Webb/Defense Dept. propaganda film Red Nightmare (a cult favorite under the title The Commies Are Coming, The Commies Are Coming). Peter made multiple appearances in several of the Warner's TV Westerns. A part as a sailor in the 1958 film Onionhead impressed producer Jules Schermer. The part was cut out of the movie. However, when Schermer was given his pick of young contract players for the youthful Deputy Johnny McKay in Lawman, Peter got the job. Lawman debuted on Peter's birthday on October 5, 1958 and ran for four seasons.

Warners squeezed everything it could out of its actors -- personal appearances [for which Warners reportedly took half the recompense] , recordings [for Warners only], photo dates with [Warners] starlets, etc. Peter as the youngest and most attractive of the Warners western stars had a special appeal to young females from preteens on up. He made personal appearances all over the country and received a goodly amount of fan mail. In her autobiography, Ann-Margret, who dated Peter when she first came to Hollywood, said that one of the things she always remembered and admired about him was how wonderful he was to his fans. [Ann-Margret also credited Peter with giving her her "first introduction to the glitter and hoopla of Hollywood" by taking her to Hollywood parties and premieres. Later, it was Peter who introduced her to Roger Smith, the man who was later to become her husband in one of the most successful marriages in Hollywood.] Peter did not join other Warners stars such as Clint Walker, Edd Byrnes, James Garner and Wayde Preston who staged job actions of various kinds, although anyone familiar with the treatment Warners accorded its stars would not have blamed him had he done so.

and of course who could forget peter brown in Summer Magic, a lightweight, light-hearted vehicle for Disney star Hayley Mills. Based on Mother Carey's Chickens, a novel by the author of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, the slight story was fleshed out with musical numbers, although it was not a musical per se. In her previous movie, In Search of the Castaways, Hayley got her first on-screen kiss from Michael Anderson Jr. In Summer Magic Hayley has a hint of adult romance when toward the end of the movie, Peter Brown enters as an unexpected Prince Charming.

peter brown- oui magazine- circa 1974



Detail from Leonardo da Vinci's "ANGELO INCARNATO." circa 1513-15
Credit: Istituto Italiano di Cultura

here we have what appears to be an erotic drawing by Leonardo da Vinci. It's called "Angelo incarnato" or "Angel incarnate" or angel made flesh.
art historian SUZANNE BRANDIS describes: The penis is discolored because somebody tried to erase it at some point. I run into defacement alot with subject matter of this type. It's even more frustrating when you read a surviving description only of a work of art that was completely destroyed by some righteous soul because of the sexual nature of the material it depicted.

It's called an angel because it's a variant of a sketch, "Angel Annunziante" It's been compared to his St. John and is probably contemporary with it. Someone described the exposed breast as having "a pronounced female nipple." The minute, diaphanous suggestion of drapery is surely related to the other treatments of the same subject.

The theory goes the "Angelo incarnato" was stolen from Windsor in the 19th century.

according to Brian Sewell, Sunday Telegraph, April 5, 1992:

"It was well known that the Royal Collection had once contained a number of pornographic drawings by Leonardo da vinci. I remember being fascinated by the story when I worked for a while in the Royal Library; the whole episode had passed into the mythology of the place. According to the version I heard, a large man in a Sherlock Holmes cape had arrived one day to have a look at the drawings. He was reputed to be a very eminent German scholar. It was not until some time later that the drawings were found to be stolen.... There is no doubt that the drawings were a considerable embarrassment, and I think everyone was very relieved to find that they'd gone." Sewell adds that both Kenneth Clark and Anthony Blunt deliberately chose not to mention this in their studies of the Queen's collections.

(As quoted by Nicholl, Leonardo da Vinci, 562, n26.)

Charles Nicholl's research led him to conclude "Angelo incarnato" is a late work related to Leonardo's half-figure painting of "St. John":

"... 'St. John' is the final stage of a long process of definition and redefinition. The earliest recorded stage is a small sketch at Windsor which is on a sheet containing studies for the "Battle of Anghiari" and therefore datable to c. 1504-5...The most extraordinary variant of this figure is a small drawing on blue paper, rediscovered in 1991, having been sequestered for years in the private collection of a 'noble German family'. In this the 'angel' - in the same pose, but no longer with a wing to identify it as an angel - is shown with a disturbingly ambiguous face, a pronounced female nipple, and, beneath the gauzy veil of the cloth which he holds in his left hand, a large erection. (An effort was made at some point to erase this last feature, resulting in a grey-brown discoloration around it: this is the original colour of the paper showing through the blue preparation of the surface.) The drawing is datable to c. 1513-15 - the Roman years - and is probably contemporary with 'St. John'."

Andre Green on the "Angelo incarnato":

"Here one meets all the contradictions, not only between feminine and masculine, but between a certain ecstasy and a sadness tending almost to anguish. The mouth is too sexy and childish, closed and half-open, dumb and about to speak. The curling hair is an attribute which may be of either sex. We feel, in short, uneasy and this is doubtless further provoked by the erection which can be seen behind the veil. There is perhaps something satanic behind this angelic being, but we cannot say if our anxieties of interpretation reflect our own difficulty in finding an overall coherence in the work, or if they stem from the incompatibility of heavenly aspirations and orgasmic pleasures."
art historians, scholars, professors and writers will contemplate on these artworks for years to come, and now we mere mortals have a chance to view them!

according to the LAtimes- It's not often that artwork by Leonardo da Vinci makes the journey to Los Angeles. But in December, three drawings by the Renaissance master will go on display at L.A.'s Italian Cultural Institute along with a video installation by Bill Viola.

Leonardo's "The Angel in the Flesh," pictured, dates from around 1515 and was produced by the artist in Amboise, France. It depicts a smiling, androgynous figure in the process of lifting its right arm in salutation. This marks the first time that "Angel" will be shown in the U.S., according to Francesca Valente, who is organizing the exhibition.

Also part of the show are two sketches from Leonardo's "The Theatre Sheet," which is believed to have been created around 1506 to 1508. The two fragments are figure studies for a stage set of Angelo Poliziano’s "Orpheus." The drawings come from "The Mind of Leonardo," a recent exhibition at the National Museum of Palazzo Venezia in Rome.

Video artist Viola will present his 2002 work "The Last Angel" as part of the show. The installation features slow-motion imagery of an angelic figure in water, accompanied by an original soundtrack. Viola is scheduled to appear in person on Dec. 2 to present his work in a discussion with author Carlo Pedretti, who is a Leonardo scholar and UCLA Professor Emeritus.

The exhibition will run Dec. 2-12.
Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles
1023 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel. (310) 443-3250
Fax.(310) 443-3254
email: iicla@esteri.it

Open to the public
10am to 6pm- daily during the run of this exhibit.



if this clip from a sarah palin book signing @ border books in cincinnati, ohio, is a depiction of middle america, ("the real america") WE ARE ALL DOOMED!


didn't anyone notice that lady gaga is wearing what appears to be an erect dick during her performance

on closer inspection, looks like it's just the fabric?


REBEL RINO is a model from kentucky, now living in NYC. he is also a trained ballet dancer!
courtesy UNZIPPED
photos- rick day & will issacs


CALABASAS, Calif. — Authorities say a 12-year-old boy assaulted by a group of middle school classmates in Southern California may have been targeted after an Internet posting urged students to beat up redheads.

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Lt. Richard Erickson says the boy, who is redheaded, was kicked and hit in two incidents Friday at A.E. Wright Middle School in Calabasas. As many as 14 students participated in the attacks.

Erickson says the attackers may have been motivated by a Facebook message announcing that Friday was "Kick a Ginger Day." The posting may have been inspired by an episode of the television show "South Park."

The boy was not seriously hurt. Erickson says there may be other victims.

No arrests have been made.


Massachusetts Republican gubernatorial hopeful Charlie Baker has picked an openly gay running mate.
Baker announced that he had picked State Senate Minority Leader Richard Tisei on his campaign website and Facebook page.

"Richard has years of experience fighting for the taxpayer on Beacon Hill and I'm thrilled to have him on the team," Baker said in a statement.

richard tisei in action on the senate floor.

"It is not exactly a news flash," Tisei said of his sexuality. "I don't think people really care these days."
Tisei fought for marriage equality in Massachusetts and supported a state challenge to the federal Defense Of Marriage Act.

i detect a trend in the rep party- first women VP, and black chairman of the rep national committee, now a gay running mate for governor. i predict we will see the first gay VP running mate in 2012, just in time for the end of the world.