

shoes are getting sexier and kinkier all the time. joy o joy! check out these gems- christian dior's sky high- platforms with fetility goddess heels, designed by surgery queen~ john galliano


the dirty show LA was so much fun. going strong in detroit for over 10 years, the dirty show debuted in LA at a sleezy hotel called city center motel. if you missed yesterday, you have another chance tonight-saturday. make sure you check out my photography!

all photos courtesy- DAVE NAZ

steve diet goedde-rick castro-oriana nazworthy-michael simmons

ORIANA NAZWORTHY and the moving vagina

Rules- You must be 18 and over to enter.
You must have a valid Photo ID.
Absolutely no cameras. (Except ours).

Dress Code-
Anything goes. You should be comfortable- unless being tied-up and restrained or something is what you want to do.

There will be a $10 minimum donation at the door.

A two-night stay, unlike any other— at the fabulous City Center Motel in Downtown Los Angeles.

greggy bojorquez-rick castro

We are taking over the entire East Wing of the motor court. Each room will be luxuriously appointed with skintallating erotic works from over 100 artists from all over the world. The exhibition is completely uncensored, and features leading edge artists from many backgrounds working within the theme including many of the biggest names in modern erotica. A special once in-a-lifetime collection that will never be assembled under one roof again.

ORIANA admiring my photo of tony ward as a biker babe.

It opens on Friday the 13th, at 7pm to 11pm — which will be your lucky day if you are in the market for amazing exotic art. Come early for best selection. The entrance will be through the alley, in the back of the motel. There are plenty of inexpensive parking lots and ample street parking. The fun will continue to a secret location announced at the exhibition.

Saturday, Nov. 14th is the Gala, from 6pm -11pm and continuing with an after-party at Fetish Nation. we advise you to come early. You should bring your checkbook and credit cards, because you won't want to have to drive home to get them when you see that piece of art you can't live without.
1135 West 7th St.
Los Angeles, CA 90017

- -- --- ----- --------------------------------- FEATURING ------------------------------ ----- --- -- -
Aaron Hawkes, Alex Aviles, Alva Bernadine (UK), Annie Sprinkle, April Segedi, Ashley (UK), Astrid Kuver, Barry Noland, Billy Ogawa, Billy Pacak, Bob Coulter, Brad Miller, Brian Viveros, Bruce La Bruce, Bryan Barnes, BT Charles, Bunny Yeager, Carolyn Weltman, Chad Michael Ward, Charly B, Charles Green, Chas Ray Krider, Chris Maher, Christine Kessler, Christopher Wright, Clive Barker, Colln Christian, Collin Rae, Corey Godfrey, Cory Marc, Damon Hill, Dan Armand, Dave Naz, Douglas Cason, Ed Fox, Elizabeth Stephens, Eric Kroll, Erin Frost, Eva Midgley, Francois Dubeau, Fredric Fontenoy (FR), Gary Breckheimer, Gary Lee, Geza X, Gina King, Glenn Barr, Gregory de la Haba, HR Giger, Harald Seiwert, Heidi Bluegirl, Hugo, J. L. Robbins, Jason Yates, Jeff Wack, Jeremy Harvey, Jeremy MF Thomson, Juan Martin Del Campo, Jill Greenberg, Jeff Faerber, John Martin, John Santerineross, Julie Simone, Justice Howard, Keith Mueller, Ken Keirns, Kenny Scharf, Kurt Hernon, Lara Allport (AU), Lisa Boyle, Lisolette Gilcrest, Marc DeBauch, Marilyn Zimmerwoman, Mark Arminski, Mark Dancey, Marne Lucas, Michael Breyette, Michael Manning, Michael Rosen, Michael Siu, Mike Williams, Missy Suicide, Niagara, Nicole Steen (CA), Nina Friday, Pablo Davis, Passia Pandora, Paul Rumsey, Peter Keresztury, Pierre Radisic (Belg), Ken Josephson, R. Alan Warren, Renard Garr, Richard Avery,
Rick Castro, Rick Morris, Rik Garret, Robert Rosenheck, Robyn Breen, Rod McDonald, Roger White, Ron Zakrin, Ronald Shelley, Ross Brownsdon, Ross Johnston, Sam Holden, Samarel (Israel), Simon Barret, Stacy Lande, Stan Konowitz, Steve Diet Goedde, Sue Rynski (FR) Taurus Burns, The Pizz, Theoni Sapounas, Tom Porta (italy), Tom Thewes, Tracee Mae Miller, Travis Jonk, Travis Shinn, Tristan Eaton, Tulip Enterprises (GE), Vato, Victor Lightworship, Viva Van Story, Yonilab ... and more!


mithun dutta is a yogi that travels thru indian and asia with fellow yogi's & students. most recently to the himalaya's. dutta's practice is at once modern and traditional considering his young age. he is very inspirational.
yoga mithun dutta poses this meditation question for the week~ WHAT IS BEAUTY?
here are pics from his recent journeys-

Yoga can be defined as a complete science of life. It was originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the most diversified spiritual practice in the world and crosses over many cultures including Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Yoga also extends over multiple languages such as Hindi, Tibetan, Sanskrit and many more.

While in recent years the word "yoga" has been heard more in gyms than in religious discourse, "yoga" in its original sense has little to do with exercise. "Yoga" comes from the Sanskrit verb yuj, to yoke or unite. The goal of yoga is to unite oneself with God; the practice of yoga is the path we take to accomplish this.

A seeker asked, "What action shall I perform to attain God?" "If you wish to attain God" came the response, "there are two things you must know. The first is all efforts to attain God are of no avail."

"And the second?" the seeker asked.

"The second is that you must act as if you do not know the first!"

The stages in yoga:

- The Beginning Stage

- The Intermediate Stage

- The Advanced Stage

- The Achievement Stage



By Dan Cook
PORTLAND, Oregon- The United States' first marijuana cafe opened on Friday, posing an early test of the Obama administration's move to relax policing of medical use of the drug.

The Cannabis Cafe in Portland, Oregon, is the first to give certified medical marijuana users a place to get hold of the drug and smoke it -- as long as they are out of public view -- despite a federal ban.

"This club represents personal freedom, finally, for our members," said Madeline Martinez, Oregon's executive director of NORML, a group pushing for marijuana legalization.

"Our plans go beyond serving food and marijuana," said Martinez. "We hope to have classes, seminars, even a Cannabis Community College, based here to help people learn about growing and other uses for cannabis."

The cafe -- in a two-story building which formerly housed a speak-easy and adult erotic club Rumpspankers -- is technically a private club, but is open to any Oregon residents who are NORML members and hold an official medical marijuana card.

Members pay $25 per month to use the 100-person capacity cafe. They don't buy marijuana, but get it free over the counter from "budtenders". Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., it serves food but has no liquor license.



do you find him sexy?
courtesy- marsorama


my mother, (bee) and I

during all hallows eve i took my family to the magic castle for my brother's 54, (!!) birthday. how scary is that?!
the event was very special since i can count on one hand the times we've been out as a family as adults.

my brother al and I, (i look awful, but i like this pic)

my mother- bee

we had dinner in the dante room, drank red wine while listening to irma; the ghost pianist, and saw the premiere of my dear friend roy johns's phantasmagoria. we also saw some victorian slight-of-hand in the parlor of prestidigitation and had a private tour of hodini's seance room. all in all a very memorable night was had by all. thanks you to roy johns for being such a doll for all these years!

my brother al, getting ready


ERIC CANTOR- current republican minority whip. based on the actions and antics he has been up to since being elected he deserves to be whipped, and i don't mean in a good way.

eric cantor, born June 6, 1963, is the Republican representative of Virginia's 7th congressional district.

On November 19, 2008, he was unanimously elected Republican Whip for the 111th United States Congress after serving as chief deputy whip for the previous six years. Cantor is currently the only Jewish Republican in the United States Congress.
joe lieberman is an independent.
i never understand how blacks, gays and jews can find solace in the republican party.

On September 29, 2008 Cantor blamed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the initial failure of the $700 billion economic bailout bill. He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans. He referred to Pelosi's proposal to appoint a Car czar to run the U.S. Automobile Industry Bailout as bureaucratic.

In February 2009, Cantor led Republicans in the House of Representatives in voting against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, and was a prominent spokesman in voicing the many issues he and his fellow Republicans had with the legislation. Cantor voted in favor of a 90% marginal tax rate increase on taxpayer financed bonuses, despite receiving campaign contributions from TARP recipient Citigroup.

Cantor supports strong United States-Israel relations. He cosponsored legislation to cut off all U.S. taxpayer aid to the Palestinian Authority and another bill calling for an end to taxpayer aid to the Palestinians until they stop unauthorized excavations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
He has also introduced legislation to end aid to Palestinians.

In May 2008, Cantor said that the relationship America has with Israel is "a constant reminder of the greatness of America."

In November 2008, following Barack Obama's election as President, Cantor stated that a “stronger U.S.-Israel relationship” remains a top priority for him and that he would be “very outspoken” if Obama "did anything to undermine those ties."

Cantor lives with his wife, children. and his mother-in-law, Barbara Fine, who manages the cooking and shopping in the Cantor household, which is kosher.

Mrs. Cantor is a lawyer and certified public accountant. She founded, and from 1996 until 2008 was executive director of, the Virginia College Savings Plan (an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia.) She was also chairman of the board of the College Savings Plans Network. Mrs. Cantor is a Managing Director in a division of Emigrant Bank a subsidiary of New York Private Bank & Trust Corp. which was one of 47 private banks to receive bailout cash under the Troubled Asset Relief Program in exchange for preferred shares

In August 2008 news reports surfaced that Cantor was being considered as John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate, with McCain's representatives seeking documents from Cantor as part of its vetting process. However, in May 2009, a source who claimed affiliation with the McCain campaign denied those reports, calling them "a complete and total joke", and blaming "Cantor’s PR people" for being responsible for the false reports.
during obama's healthcare speech to congress, (the one where rep congressman joe wilson yelled out, "liar,") cantor texted on his blackberry the entire time, never once looking up. during the healthcare vote, when fellow rep joesph cao, voted yes, cantor immediately left the room.


as this clips shows, eric cantor is a dumb bunny and master @ double speak. something he pick up from former sec of state- condolezza rice. despite being a good jewish boy and married with 3 children, rumors have persisted that cantor is gay. i do have to admit he's kinda hot in that swarmy/lawyer sorta way. the gay rumors became rampant when a report was leaked that cantor was spotted at a britney spears concert, (on the night of obama's press conference) without any of his children. when asked about this cantor, responded,
" i love britney. what's wrong with that?"

during the concert miss spears randomly shouted, "merry christmas," although the concert was in the month of march.



according to writer jennifer dobner — The Mormon church for the first time has announced its support of gay rights legislation, an endorsement that helped gain unanimous approval for Salt Lake city laws banning discrimination against gays in housing and employment.

The Utah-based church's support ahead of Tuesday night's vote came despite its steadfast opposition to gay marriage, reflected in the high-profile role it played last year in California's Proposition 8 ballot measure that barred such unions.

"The church supports these ordinances because they are fair and reasonable and do not do violence to the institution of marriage," Michael Otterson, the director of public affairs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said.

Passage made Salt Lake City the first Utah community to prohibit bias based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Under the two new ordinances, it is illegal to fire someone from their job or evict someone from their residence because they are lesbian, bisexual, gay or transgender.



featuring clothing by alexander mcqueen and tony ward as an extra, (first shot-right side)

and behind the scenes



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history is in the making, the house passed a comprehesive healthcare bill, 220 to 215.
46 dems voted against the bill, (including dennis kucinich) all reps except one voted against the bill.

the vote brought stoic speaker of the house, nancy pelosi to tears, and caused rep minority whip, eric cantor's head to explode, thus forcing him to leave the room!- yah!!

according to huffington post- The House floor erupted in one of the loudest cheers the chamber has heard in years when Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), an hour before midnight, cast the 218th and deciding vote on landmark health care reform.
There were still six minutes and fifty-two seconds on the clock and the chair made a move to gavel the vote closed.
Democrats waived their opposition, keeping the vote open.
Almost every eye in the chamber darted to the far end of the GOP side, where the last possibility for a bipartisan bill sat wedged between Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska), both of whom were leaning on him, both literally and figuratively.
The White House, two sources told HuffPost, had been working hard to win the vote of Rep. Joseph Cao (R-La.), a freshman in a strongly Democratic district. The pro-life Cao's vote came into play when an amendment from Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) passed overwhelmingly, greatly restricting reproductive rights.